The Birthday Girl's Celebration

With much planning, Raphel celebrated my birthday for me at Vivocity's Serenity Restaurant and Bar, a Spanish eatery with cool decor and a live band.

(Heh, he sure knows how much I enjoy live gigs though unfortunately for him, he could not be somewhere in town where he can hear the F1 cars zooming by and enjoy the smell of burnt rubber!).

Somehow, we were given nice huge comfy sofa chairs for our reservation even though there were only 2 of us. But that did not stop us from enjoying the comfort provided to us, as we soaked up the Spanish atmosphere and the occasional cool sea breeze.

As for food, we ordered an appetizer of prawns in olive oil. It was superb!! It was fresh and it tasted really good =)

For the main, we ordered Paella Valencia (I think), which was seafood paella in general, serving for 2. I thought that the rice was a bit like glutinous rice, though the word saffron in it really reminded me of Restaurant City again, haha =)

While we enjoyed our red wine and the live band, the live band soon performed a live birthday gig for me, while the restaurant presented me with a complimentary birthday cake, which was all too pretty for us to want to spoil it...

Raphel on the other hand bought me a nice Guess watch and... A Tenderheart Care Bear!!

He said it's to brighten up my day as it will remind me of him whenever I look at it. Too bad it's not big enough to hug, haha... =)

So yup, I was a very happy girl at the end of the day. With good food, nice music and lovely company, the day was almost perfect if I had not fallen sick with an upset tummy, for that spoilt my clubbing chance at Butter Factory/Helipad as it is rare that Raphel allows me some alcohol in my system... With that, I had to retire early for the night.

But, the celebration is not over yet, as the next morning, he arranged for a lovely breakfast at Riders Cafe!!

Having come across it on the web, I thought that it was a really cool place to visit, given that one could have the chance to see horsies trotting by while you have your breakfast.

And I sure did not miss them as just when we entered the place, we spotted 2 just coming up the road. That got Raphel pretty excited too as he had never rode on a horse before. And that pretty much gives me the idea that it'll be nice to plan for an overseas horse riding trip one day for the two of us =)

Anyway, back to food. When we had a chance to look at the menu, we were surprised to see that their breakfasts were all very reasonably priced! I had the Norwegian Salmon Benedict while the Boy had the Rider’s Breakfast, both of which cost less than $15! And given the portions that they served, I would think that it is very worth it, not to mention that they taste great too!

With our happy faces, I'm sure you can tell that we are very pleased with the place. In fact, Raphel fell in love with the cafe, especially when we discovered that there are other cool restaurants in the same area too. The only drawback I find is that it is slightly out of the way, and without a car, it is quite inaccessible.

But then again, I don't think that would stop us very much... =P

PS: Thank you very much my dear for the lovely birthday celebration!
Here's to more fun and happy times together.

Now, it's my turn to plan for your birthday celebration (which is only in 1 week's time!)

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Happy Birthday Girl !

Happy Birthday!

To my dear girl, may we have many many many more joyous and fun birthday celebrations together! =D Stay pretty always! Hee... Muacks!

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Army Open House 2009

It's the time of the year again, where I get to see the men in green once more at the Army Open House 2009.

As usual, the Boy once again decided to accompany me despite not being a big fan of the army. But then, he stays pretty near the camp, so why not? =P

Dressed for the theme (at least somewhat for me), we head on out to view the stationary mobiles like the chinook, the tanks, the lightstrike vehicle etc. Silly me decided to wear denim skirt for the day, which impeded me ability to climb in and out of the vehicles for photo opportunities =(

As such, we didn't stay around the mock-ups for long, which saw us heading to Battle World, where we decided to try out a 'game' where we had to engage terrorists who had captured 4 civilians. While I was pretty excited to try out the weapons again, the downside of it all was that it involved a really long waiting time, of which your turn was not in order to whether or not you earlier than others. (Bumper to the Boy for that). Anyway, I also found out to my dismay that the M16 was really heavy!! (And I thought I was strong... Humpt!)

Oh ya, one more thing. While I was told to fire at the timer to disarm the bomb for the mission, guess what?

I aimed for the bomb! I'm such a sillified dodo...

Anyway, silly-ness aside, maybe it was because I've been to the Army Open House often enough, or I've seen army related stuff quite often that we did not watch any of the performances. And although I was really really keen to try out the Combat Ride Safari or the Live Firing Safari, the extremely long queue and the estimated time of 1.5 hours of waiting turned me off big time, that we decided to cut our visit short, and just head home.

Oh well, at least I got to shoot the M16 =)
How about the SAR-21 next time??

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